
Ethos of the CEO at Qniverse Company

As the CEO of Qniverse Company, I believe that a strong ethos is essential for shaping the organization’s approach and defining its values. At Qniverse, our ethos revolves around several key principles and values that guide our actions and decision-making processes. We are committed to excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction, and firmly believe that quality …

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Employee Engagement at Qniverse

If you consider Employment Engagement just another fancy term for Human Resources (or People and Culture), then your perspective needs slight adjustment. While there is a certain intersection between HR (or People and Culture) and Employment Engagement, it is also true that Employment Engagement goes beyond HR and People/Culture. And in this blog, we are …

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Why is Clear Communication so important for a successful project?

Successfully managing a project from start to finish requires skills. Scheduling, time management and the ability to negotiate with internal and external parties are all critical competencies. But the skill that is perhaps most important to project management is ‘Communication’. Communication in project management refers to the sharing of ideas and opinions between professionals who …

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